Hangover Remedies 101How To Get Rid Of A Hangover
After a long night of dancing and drinking, nothing is worse than waking up the next morning with a splitting headache, nausea, and a bar stamp on your face from sleeping on your hand. Not to mention the humilation that is sure to ensue when your roommate posts the pictures she took of you doing the worm at the bar on Facebook.
People often wonder why they wake up the day after drinking feeling like they were hit by a Mack truck, or why they are so thirsty they feel like they have been walking naked in the Sahara desert with no water for a month straight.
The answer to this is dehydration. According to
http://www.about.com/, "The ethanol contained in alcoholic beverages has a dehydrating effect which causes headaches, dry mouth, nausea, and tiredness." Ethanol causes frequent urination and it also draws liquids from the brain. The lack of water in your body the day after drinking is what causes the thirst and also the headache that accompanies your alarm clock the morning after a night of shots and beer bongs.
Many people have their own versions of the "miracle hangover cure." According to Sarah Schulze, a Senior at BGSU; the best cure for a hangover is to drink a beer in the morning when you wake up. This sounds terrible to someone who has consumed at least a dozen brewskis within the last twenty four hours, but studies show that it actually does help.
"It is really hard to stomach the day after binge drinking, but it really does help me get on with my day like nothing happened the night before," says Schulze.
http://www.about.com/ states, "Drinking more alcohol the day after drinking actually does work to an extent. This is because ethanol in alcoholic drinks blocks the breakdown of methanol to formic acid." In the case of the "Hair of the Dog" remedy, it seems like the college drinking pro's might have the right idea.
The older generation seems to favor the old school hangover cure of greasy food. Mike Mason, a sixty five year old veteran swears the only cure for too much to drink is a cheeseburger. Although there are no statistic facts backing his method- Mike believes a greasy meal cures the post drinking blues. "It makes me feel better almost immediately, I don't know why but I have been doing it for years, nothing works better," said Mason.
Everyone has their own beliefs and theories as to what the best option is the morning after intoxication. Most common answers include tylenol, sleep, and vitamin C. Regardless of how you feel in the morning, one thing is for sure in the magical city of Bowling Green, Ohio... if you don't remember it, it didn't happen!